David C. Reardon, Ph.D. Executive Director The Elliot Institute AfterAbortion.org TheUnChoice.com
Author, Researcher and Leading Expert, Dr.Reardon discusses the significant aftereffects of abortion on women. With about 64 percent of women feeling pressured into having an abortion, do these negative aftereffects linger for years afterwards?
Paige Cunningham, J.D. Executive Director The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity
What exactly is bioethics? Medical research seems to always outpace our society's ability to examine the moral and ethical concerns of such research. Is there a framework by which to understand often complex medical research such as the embryonic stage of life? Is it time to put the reins on medical research that is deemed unethical, especially when it concerns human dignity?
Dr. Nanci Coppola Chief Executive Officer Program Reach, Inc.
Do condom based health education classes ( aka risk reduction) encourage, and increase peer pressure on teens to have sex? What does an abstinence based health education (aka risk avoidance) teach? Over 13,000 students have gone through 'healthy respect programs' teaching how to make healthy decisions to 'do no harm' to themselves, their future nor to anyone else.
Dawn E. Hawkins Vice President & Executive Director National Center on Sexual Exploitation formerly known as 'Morality in the Media'
Is pornography fueling a pandemic of harm in our American society? Exposing and understanding the seamless connection between pornography and all forms of sexual exploitation including sex trafficking, women and children sexual abuse, broken marriages and divorce, lifelong pornography addiction, riskier forms of sex, multiple partners, increased sexually transmitted diseases, increased rape and sexual assault, increased pregnancy and increased abortions. And what is being done, and what can be done to reverse this societal & public health crisis.
John L. Harmer, J.D. Chairman The Lighted Candle Society & Author of book entitled ' A Generation of Aliens'
Pornography, aka 'sexually explicit material' has grown almost unabated in America during the past to five decades whereby it's virtually impossible to criminally prosecute. How did this happen? Are there adverse effects to the individual, marriage, the family and society as a whole? Is pornography addictive like cocaine & herion? Does pornography lead to violence? And are women portrayed as mere sex objects? And why does this 100 billion dollar a year 'sex industrial complex' have such powerful allies?
Governor Sam Brownback Kansas
Since becoming Governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback has signed sixteen pieces of pro-life legislation. Wide ranging discussion. For instance, Kansas is the first state in America to Ban 'Dismemberment Abortions in the Womb'. Educating the public as to the horrors of abortion and what's really going on, is the key. This occurred on slavery with Wilberforce in England and with Harriett Beecher Stowe in America galvanizing the issue. Philosophically, America may be ready to ask whether the child in the womb is a person or a piece of property.
Sarah Mary Toce Project Director New England Life and Leadership
A Southern Belle from Louisiana teaches the nuts & bolts of 'Pro-Life 101' to high school and college students in New England. What's involved in training, equipping and motivating a new generation of future pro-life leaders.
Joel Brind, Ph.D. Vice Chairman of Biology Baruch College City University of New York
Is the discipline of Biology responsible for allowing the Culture of Death to take over our society in so many ways? Dr. Brind provides an historical viewpoint from Charles Darwin, to Linus Pauling, to graduate student Stanley Miller to Alexander Oparin that the science of biology by 1960s and its biology textbooks had driven off a cliff with the fundamental mistake of how life begins. Yet a physicist named Albert Einstein did not make the same mistake.
Joel Brind, Ph.D. Professor of Biology & Endocrinology Baruch College City University of New York
Fourteen studies in South Asia (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Pakistan) from 2008 to 2015 and a meta-analysis of 36 studies in China announced in December 2013 show an increased risk of breast cancer from an induced abortion. Now, the cover up of the abortion-breast cancer link by the 'abortion is safe' lobby is in full throttle intending to suppress these findings by referencing prior fraudulent studies. Dr. Brind explains how and by whom the cover up to the ABC link is orchestrated.
Joan Bailey Executive Director Friends of the Unborn Crisis Pregnancy Center & Shelter for Homeless Pregnant Women
This faith based Christian ministry, located in Quincy, MA has saved over 2,500 babies since its inception. Providing a 'home' for pregnant women that teaches fellowship, sharing with others, discipline, instilling Catholic values and skills to succeed in life, and about healthy relationships.
The Reverend D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D. Research Professor in Sociology The Catholic University of America and Senior Fellow at Family Research Council's Marriage and Religion Research Institute
The theory of 'No Differences' between heterosexual and homosexual parenting of children is debunked. Why do children of homosexual couples have much higher rates of emotional and developmental disabilities? If not bullying, stigmatization nor family stability, then what explains the exacerbated problems such as depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide among children of homosexual couples? Dr. Sullins explains what his research found.
Tina McCormick Co-Founder & Publisher New Boston Post Online Newspaper NewBostonPost.com
Does 'how' you present the news and concomitant commentary make readers think more deeply about life and their beliefs? Can a conservative online newspaper convey values in a civil tone and manner that might be appealing to moderates or those only somewhat informed about issues in today's world? . For instance, motherhood is denigrated these days. Abortion affects how motherhood is perceived, especially the bond between mother and her child. NBP wants to change our American culture for the better, and tell life's beautiful, heartwarming stories too, while engaging in constructive debate.
Thomas M. Harvey, J.D. Chairman StopPublicFundingofAbortion.org
In 1981, blatant judicial activism by the MA. Supreme Court in Moe versus the MA. Secretary of Administration and Finance decreed public funding of abortion a 'constitutional right'. Therefore, all Massachusetts taxpayers fund abortion in the Commonwealth. Mr. Harvey is spearheading an initiative petition to amend the state constitution to stop public funding of abortion. The effort involves collecting 64,750 certified signatures as the first step in the process.
Shawn Carney National Campaign Director 40 Days for Life and ... Rita A. Russo Campaign Director - Boston 40 Days For Life
Fasting, community outreach, peaceful witness rooted in prayer, has seen 10,336 mothers choose life at the last moment, 118 abortion workers have a change of heart and quit their jobs, 61 abortion mills close their doors in the last two years, and 650,000 folks participate in 40 Days for Life. Locally, Rita Russo is again coordinating the effort in front of Planned Parenthood in Boston on Commonwealth Avenue despite a tepid to complete silence and no involvement by the Archdiocese of Boston Catholic church. The recent series of videos showing the barbaric nature of PP harvesting after the abortion and then selling baby parts has stimulated more grass roots interest in 40 Days for Life both at the local and national level.
Brian E. Fisher President, Co-Founder & Author Online For Life OnlineForLife.org
Is abortion a women's issue? Or is that assertion a myth? Is abortion the ultimate exploitation and oppression of women? Why were the majority of players that brought contraception, abortion and eugenics to America ...men like Francis Galton, Havelock Ellis, Lothrop Stoddard, Madison Grant, Gunnar Myrdal, Frederick Osborn, Alan Guttmacher, C.C. Little, Harry Laughlin, George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, Paul Ehrlich, Clarence Gamble, the Rockefellers, Bernard Nathanson and Lawrence Lader. Has the female gender been deeply hurt by 'abortion rights'? How can this exploitation and oppression of women be rectified?
James W. Sedlak Vice President American Life League
Jim Sedlak, perhaps the most knowledgeable person in America regarding the callous nature, and nefarious and illegal activities of Planned Parenthood, discusses the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, which show the selling of aborted baby body parts, like livers, lungs and hearts, to procurement company middlemen e.g. 'Stem Express' and eventually to medical researchers at universities and hospitals.
Robert W. Joyce, J.D. President Pro-Life Legal Defense Fund of MA.
What does the PLLDF of MA do? Recently, law students wrote 'Amicus' briefs referenced by the U.S. Supreme Court; Lawyers litigate from fertilization until natural death issues in both state and federal court; fighting end of life issues like Massachusetts General Hospital's Unilateral Do Not Resuscitate edict from the Orwellian 'Optimum Care Committee'; trying to rectify laws at cross purposes such as Wrongful Death Civil v. Criminal Statutes; the dangers of Mary Moe petitions that exclude parents (aka Judicial Bypass), and much, much more.
Safie Lamin 2015 National Oratory Contest Winner representing Rhode Island National Right to Life Committee
Is the root cause of abortion in America based on racism? Why isn't this common knowledge? Is abortion sold as 'empowerment' to black teenagers and young women? Why are their still blacks, like the NAACP, supporting the National Abortion Rights Action League, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry? What is the solution to stopping this black genocide of more than 17,000,000 deaths since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
Sr. Paula Vandegaer, L.C.S.W.
Most, if not all women are emotionally and psychologically hurt from having had an elective abortion. Yet, since Roe v. Wade in January 1973, our American society denies that abortion is a mental health issue. In recent times, the veil of silence and forgiveness is being lifted by courageous groups such as 'Silent No More', Rachel's Vineyard, and Project Rachel. Sr. Paula Vandegaer offers her insights having been on the front lines of post abortive counseling for several decades.
Vicki Thorn Founder & Executive Director National Office for Post Abortion Reconciliation and Healing www.NOPARH.org
Taking seven years to start up, Vicki Thorn was a founder in 1984 of Project Rachel which helps women and men cope with the emotional and psychological grieving, woundedness, and suffering in silence that comes with being post abortive. Healing is another important aspect of Project Rachel. Worldwide, there is tremendous growth in this ministry as the need is great.
Vicki Thorn Conference Organizer Contraceptive Conundrum: Effects and Side Effects
With the blog-o-sphere awash with women noting the many problems with hormonal contraceptives, like the birth control pill and 'Nuva Ring', is our American society reaching the tipping point on the artificial suppression of women's fertility? Scientific researchers at this conference examine many issues regarding contraception and its adverse impacts on women ... and men. Why hasn't this type of conference ever been done before?
Debbie Garratt, R.N. Founder & Executive Director Real Choices Australia
The pro-abortion culture dominates Australia. The pro-life community is very small, much maligned and perceived negatively. How does one change that culture to be pro-life? Is creating a non ideological research and evidence based model about the adverse impact of abortion and then disseminating it to health care professionals, politicians, journalists, and opinion leaders the way to be effective?
Marguerite Duane, M.D. Executive Director & Co-Founder The Fertility Appreciation Collaborative FactsAboutFertility.org
Is fertility in medical school taught as a disease? Why do Medical Doctors, Medical Students, Nurses and Health Care professionals need to learn more about fertility? Shouldn't their patients, like women or couples wanting to avoid or achieve pregnancy, know their fertility options which are natural, 98 to 99 percent effective, morally acceptable, and at a much lower cost than contraception and in vitro fertilization?
Erik Whittington Campus Outreach Coordinator Rock For Life RockForLife.org
How a sidewalk 'Life Chain' in Portland, Oregon converted a pro-choice rock 'n roll musician to become pro-life. That conversion led to a Pro-Life ministry called 'Rock for Life' that flourishes today with teenagers and young adults in high schools and colleges around the country via Music Festivals, Summer Boot Camp, On Campus Free Speech Counseling and even National Pro-Life Chalk Day.
Brian P. Johnston Western Regional Director National Right to Life Committee
Under Obamacare, can we protect the medically vulnerable? Is government the final arbiter of your life, limiting what you can spend on your own healthcare? Is 'medical abandonment', by denying food and hydration through an I.V. the quick way to hasten a person' death and thereby keep down medical costs? Also, Mr. Johnston discusses Brittany Maynard's Youtube video declaring she wanted to live the day before the well publicized date she was to commit assisted suicide.
Leah Jacobson, MA, IBCLC, RLC Founder & President The Guiding Star Project
Old feminism asserted motherhood was an unjust burden that needed suppression by contracepting and aborting. The new feminism disagrees. Ovulation, Gestation and Lactation are good for both mother and baby. Leah Jacobson, founder of the Guiding Star Project explains what her organization is doing about it.
Beth Daley Senior Investigative Reporter New England Center for Investigative Reporting
Prenatal screening and testing has taken the pregnant world by storm. Is it oversold and misunderstood? Are the screens and tests accurate? Who's driving demand for it, the patient, the doctor and/or the hospital? Are the screens and tests regulated by the FDA? What does 'near diagnostic' mean when companies promote or rather over promote their results? Do prenatal screening tests prompt abortion? Are aborted babies biopsied for the condition prenatal screening 'detected'? And much, much more.
C.J. Doyle, Jr. Executive Director Catholic Action League of MA.
With the ever growing scandalous betrayal of the 2004 U.S.C.C.B. proclamation regarding 'Catholics in Political Life', how can anyone in secular society take seriously opposition to abortion when Catholic institutions and hierarchy ignore and mendaciously defy its teachings with awards, honors and platforms? For those in the pews, there's bewilderment and disillusionment. For those innocent unborn in the womb, there is death.
Eric Anthony, a Viet Nam Veteran, Classical Guitarist and long time Pro-Life Activist. Also he's related to Susan B. Anthony, although not a direct descendent.
Mr. Anthony discusses the pro-abortion Susan B. Anthony museum in Rochester, NY versus the pro-life museum in Adams, MA. His role in the late 1980s and 1990s in Operation Rescue in Boston and the famous West Hartford, CT rescue that went up to the U.S. Supreme Court. And why he pursued a 'pro se' approach in defending himself in the court room versus a 'pro bono' approach used by most pro-lifers.
Monica Kelsey Conceived in Rape & Co-Founder Living Exceptions LivingExceptions.com
At the age of 37, Monica Kelsey found out she was conceived in a brutal rape and then was moments away from being aborted. Her mission nowadays answers the question...' How can I take this gift of life that I have been given and make a difference?' Speaking engagements and a new twist with Baby Safe Haven 'Boxes'.
Christopher H. Smith United States Congressman 4th District, New Jersey
Wide ranging discussion with a pro-life champion on past and current battles over life issues in Congress and with the Clinton, G.W. Bush and Obama administrations. Moreover, Congressman Smith has been instrumental fighting against well entrenched pro-abortion forces on the international level too. Will the Sustainable Development Goals of 2015 become the international Roe v. Wade mandate for the world?
Linda Thayer Respect Life Educator Director of Education Massachusetts Citizens For Life
Are MA. public schools a safe place for teenagers given the type of sex education being taught is a 'how to' get contraception and to get an abortion? Why are public schools not telling parents as to what is really being taught? And what are the teenager's three biggest fears regarding sex? Why is fetal development not commonly taught? And what does it mean when people are in love?
Phyllis Schlafly Founder and President Eagle Forum
Fifty years later, she's updated her classic book entitled 'A Choice, Not an Echo' exposing the presidential nominee shenanigans of big money people. Her new book entitled 'Who Killed the American Family' perspicaciously argues 'death by a thousand paper cuts' has eviscerated the American family which historically has been the backbone of our nation.
Carol Tobias President National Right to Life Committee
Recently, Kansas & Oklahoma signed into law the 'Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act'. About 10 percent of all abortions are performed in the second and third trimester. Will pro-aborts litigate against this new wave of state sponsored restrictive abortion legislation knowing the law focuses on what happens to the baby in the womb? Moreover, does the state have a compelling interest in saving human lives?And could these laws help prevent aborting children with disabilities?
Donna J. Harrison, MD. OB/GYN Executive Director, and Director of Public Policy & Research American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists
An historical look at how 'medical abortions' came to America under the legerdemain of the Clinton Administration and the 'Population Council' aka Planned Parenthood. Together, they exerted heavy pressure upon the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to fast track the approval process of a dangerous drug that kills people, the antithesis of what the FDA is supposedly all about.
Eric J. Scheidler Executive Director Pro-Life Action League
Ever wonder what happens when a botched abortion occurs? The abortionist's office calls 911. The Pro-Life Action League has the video and audio proof. Here's what really happens when medical malpractice occurs during an abortion. How often do women, who have surgical abortions, end up being taken by ambulance to a hospital emergency room?
George Delgado, M.D. Medical Director Abortion Pill Reversal AbortionPillReversal.com
Surgical abortions are decreasing and medical abortions are increasing whereby a woman takes a pill called mifepristone, aka RU-486. Can a woman change her mind after she has taken the abortion pill and subsequently give birth to her baby? Dr. George Delgado explains how it is possible.
Esther Stanard Founder & CEO MisCarriage Matters MyMisCarriageMatters.com
Where does one turn when having just suffered the heartbreaking loss of a miscarriage? After all, miscarriage loss is not talked about very much. Now, MyMisCarriageMatters.com provides a free 24 hour, seven days a week website whereby women and even men, can talk about their loss, grief and devastation to an empathetic person who experienced a miscarriage too. Great resource for doctors, churches et al.
Dr Byron C. Calhoun, M.D. FACOG Professor & Vice Chairman Obstetrics and Gynecology West Virginia University - Charleston
The Maternal Mortality Myth in the context of legalized abortion. Dr. Calhoun discusses 'Maternal Mortality' and the abortion industry myth that abortion is safer than childbirth. Studies with good data support exactly the opposite finding that chidbirth is much safer than both surgical and medical abortions. How much longer can politicians, like former President Bill Clinton and the abortion industry get away with this myth?
Frank Kelly Electrocution Survivor and ...
Frank Kelly received a lethal dose of electrocution while working on the job and miraculously survived. His spiritual journey has led this everyday humble and common man to have the uncommon, rare spiritual gifts of 'word of knowledge' and of 'healing'. What's this all about and can he help you? Or how about those grieving a loss, a difficulty, or a problem?
John Morales Producer & Director The 40 Film
This documentary, two years in the making, strives to capture both sides of the abortion issue. However, pro-abortion outfits like Planned Parenthood, NOW, and NARAL refused to be interviewed. The film posits the question of whether abortion is the greatest human rights abuse our American society has ever endured over the forty plus years of real life experience.
Elaine G. Petty Board Member Center for Culture and Bioethics
Medical ethics is supposed to be deliberated with reasoned discernment about what is right and what is wrong. However, nowadays, medical ethics is often an afterthought that is frequently brushed aside dismissively by the rapid advancement of medical technology. When it comes to making babies in the laboratory, greed appears to be the prime motivation of the medical community in an area that has very little regulation. For instance, in our American society that delays childbirth, is female egg selling ethical?
Brendan O'Connell Television Host Life Matters TV and Media, Inc.
Discussion of two recent articles. First, due to rapid advancements in the semiconductor chip, ultrasounds in the near future will be clear, much cheaper and much more ubiquitous. Will this be a boon for the abortion industry? Second, is an article on the subtle, alluring, predatory practices by the abortion industry which include manipulation, coercion and deception of pregnant teenagers and young women.
Ovide LaMontagne General Counsel Americans United for Life
Claiming to be the oldest pro-life organization in America, AUL is the legal architect for the pro-life movement. AUL's efforts include drafting model legislation for the states; litigation, such as appeals to the federal courts; opinion pieces; its famous compendium 'Defending Life' labeled the playbook of the pro-life movement; scholarly articles emphasizing the mother-child strategy and protecting conscience rights; and demanding mandatory reporting of abortion by the states to show the real aftermath of abortion. Also, why did 'losing' the Casey v. P.P. of Eastern PA. become the catalyst for the proliferation of pro-life state legislation across America e.g. elimination of trimester system, the viability rule, malleability of states ability to regulate abortion.
Steven W. Aylward Republican State Committeeman Second Suffolk & Middlesex Brighton, Watertown & Belmont
While the Democratic Party is all about social issues such as abortion and homosexual marriage, has the Massachusetts Republican Party failed its constituents by ignoring the social issues? How can the Massachusetts Republican Party grow and do so by being pro-life and for traditional marriage? Steve Aylward explains.
Charles A. 'Chuck' Donovan President Charlotte Lozier Institute
Are you unwittingly subsidizing 'abortion on demand' with an abortion surcharge in your health insurance under Obamacare? Why is it so difficult to find out? Is the lack of transparency on purpose? And what is Charlotte Lozier Institute undertaking to uncover the truth about these more than 1,000 different health insurance plans?